SMS API introduction
VertexSMS API is based on REST principles. To use REST API, you will need VertexSMS account and API access token. You can generate them inside your VertexSMS account. You must supply a Content-type header: `Content-type: application/json` for all PUT or POST requests.
HTTP headers and codes
REST API takes full advantage of all HTTP headers. Every header is important and has its own purpose, from status code to content type and request method. Bellow is list of http codes used by VertexSMS API.
Handling errors
If our API rejects your request to send a message, an error will be returned in the form of 4xx (or 500, if our systems fail) HTTP status code and a JSON-encoded string with error description.
Here’s an example of a bad request:
Request example:
POST /sms HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-VertexSMS-Token: eB52vNTPL9fO3rDrx8pYmVnj6nqceHNhnqceHNh
{ “to”: “37069912345”, “from”: “invalid sender ID”, “message”: “Test SMS 001” }
Response example:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
{“message”: “Invalid value for field ‘from’. Sender ID must either be a valid MSISDN or an alpha-numeric string (max. length: 11 characters), which may consist only of upper+lower-case latin letters, digits, spaces and dots.”}
To ensure privacy we recommend you to use HTTPS for all VertexSMS API requests. All callbacks from our servers made only from those ip’s: and